In older versions of IntegraXor, users can use the two functions, getSql() and setSql() to access databases through front end JavaScript. However, they are no longer available to front end scripts in newer versions because they are prone to SQL injection. This limitation causes a problem for users who need to access external databases from the front end.
Stored SQL Statements is a feature that allows users to save SQL statements in the Project Editor configuration file. The SQL statements can be accessed by front end scripts when IntegraXor Server is running. Users can use this feature to send SQL queries to external databases through the front end script. Only SQL statements which are defined and stored in the Project Editor configuration file can be executed.
- Name
A name that represents the SQL statement to be saved.
The name will be required in the front end script to perform SQL access.
Certain special characters or symbols such as \, /, *, ?, ", <, >, |, and ' are not allowed for the name.
Users are encouraged to use only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9) for the name.
- Description
Additional comment about the SQL statement. Optional entry.
- Role
Specify the role(s) that is/are allowed to run the stored SQL statement.
If no role is specified, all users can run the stored SQL statement.
- SQL statement
There is no column entry for the SQL statement.
Users must save the configuration in the table before they can enter the SQL statements.
After the table is saved, additional items will appear under the "Stored SQL Statements" item on the task window.
The name of each item corresponds to the name representing each SQL statement.
Clicking each item will open a text input tab to allow users to enter SQL statements.

Stored SQL Statements - Table

Stored SQL Statements - Text Input
- alarm
- configuration, Alarm
- deadband, Additional Information for Deadband
- group, Alarm Group
- outputfmt, Alarm Output Format, Alarm Output Format - Text Output, Alarm Output Format - Tabular Output
- privilege, Alarm Acknowledgement Privilege
- script, Alarm Scripting
- animation
- bar, Bar Animation
- Clone, Clone Animation
- color, Color Animation
- get, Get Animation
- opacity (transparency), Opacity Animation
- open window page, Open Animation
- pop up, Pop up Animation
- rotate, Rotate Animation
- script, Script Animation
- set, Set Animation
- slider position, Slider Animation
- Text, Text Animation
- tooltips, Tooltip Animation
- zoom, Zoom Animation
- Animation
- script keydown, Keydown Script
- text alignment, Inkscape Text Alignment
- architecture, System Architecture
- communication
- port, Port
- troubleshoot, Setting Communication Port
- configuration
- sequence, Project Configuration
- database
- configuration, Database
- create table, Working with Database
- stored sql, Index
- Development
- concurrent, Group development
- device
- configuration, Device
- driver, Device Driver
- driver
- EtherNet/IP, EtherNet Industrial Protocol
- IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-101
- IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 60870-5-104
- IP Scanner, IP Scanner
- modbus, Modbus
- Profinet, Profinet
- SQL, SQL driver for database integration
- front-end
- alarm viewer, Alarm Viewer
- expression, Logical Expression
- function, Exposed Functions
- html tabulate data, Tabulate Data
- introduction, Front End Configuration
- language, Multilingual support
- number formating, Number Formating
- option, General Options
- print, Printing
- qr-code, QR Code
- side-panel, Side Panel Menu
- sql, Stored SQL Statement
- trend, Trending
- general
- configuration, Index
- inkscape
- gradient, Gradient Effect
- graphic editing, Working with Inkscape
- introduction, Inkscape SAGE
- layer, Multiple Layer
- path, Complicated Shape
- SAGE, Inkscape SAGE
- sizing & background, Resize and Background
- installer
- installation, Installation, Incomplete Download Error
- internet
- gateway, Publishing SCADA to the Internet
- kioskit
- auto startup, Auto Startup
- disable ease of access shortcut keys, Disabling Ease of Access Shortcut Keys
- exit, Exiting Kioskit
- manual start, Manual Start
- Modbus
- error message, Interpreting Communication Message
- protocol, Modbus Troubleshooting for SCADA
- Network Redundancy
- Configuration, Network Redundancy Configuration
- Introduction, Multiple Network Redundancy
- port
- configuration, Port
- project
- backup, Backing up project
- migration, Migrating/upgrading project
- project editor
- getting started, Project Editor
- tag auto complete, Auto-Complete for Tag Entry
- Redundancy
- Introduction, Multiple Redundancy
- Report
- Introduction, Report
- requirements, System Requirements
- script
- accessing tag, Scripting and Tag Access
- ActiveX scripting, ActiveX Scripting
- additional functions, Additional Functions
- advanced scripting, Advanced Scripting
- configuration, Script
- database functions, Debugging Functions
- debugging functions, Debugging Functions
- JSON, JSON Syntax
- security
- active directory (ad) / ldap, Active Directory (AD) / LDAP
- additional, Additional Security Configuration
- file policy, File Security
- https, HTTPS
- introduction, Security
- protection, Protection
- user configuration, User Configuration
- server
- user interface, Server User Interface
- Server Redundancy
- Configuration, System Redundancy Configuration
- Introduction, Multiple System Redundancy
- service
- setting, Run Project as Service
- svg
- minified, Minify SVG
- tag
- configuration, Application Tag, Action Tag, Tag, I/O Server, Modbus Server, OPC Server, SNMP Agent
- scaling/expression, Tag Expression
- template
- getting started, Project Template
- project folder, Project Management
- update, Updating Template
- theme
- user interface, Index
- timer
- configuration, Timer
- tools
- utilities, Suggested Supporting Tools
- Tools
- Visual HTML Editor, Working with Kompozer
- traffic
- analysis, Port Monitor
- tutorial
- getting started, Getting Started /Tutorial
- address, Web Access Information
- user security login
- configuration, User