- Port number
Network port number used for Redundancy Servers' communication channel, use default 7132 which normally won't have conflict.
- Database Synchronization Enable
Enable or disable the database synchronization. Normally database has to be synchronized unless alarm, trending and report are not used, which is very very rare in SCADA project.
- Tag Synchronization Enable
Enable or disable the tag synchronization. This is an option to disable the run time tags synchronization when traffic is far too congested.
- NLB Enable
Enable or disable the Network Load Balancing (NLB) feature. NLB is employed to enhance the availability of the server applications.
- NLB Cluster IP Address
NLB cluster IP address is a virtual IP address required when NLB is enabled. It is set identically for all the peer servers in the cluster.
Only PostgresQL is supported for database redundancy. Use of MS SQL would need its own replication module for database synchronization.