SMS output sends the output through SMS based on the listed settings.
This feature requires an SMS modem (GSM Modem) to be connected to the server.
- SMS Port
Sets the COM port where the SMS Modem is attached to.
- Port Baud Rate
Sets the SMS port baud rate according to the rate the modem operates.
- Data Bits
Sets the number of bits in the bytes transmitted and received.
- Parity
Sets the parity scheme to be used. The available choices are None, Even parity, Odd parity, Mark parity and Space parity.
- Stop Bits
Sets the number of stop bits to be used.
- Hardware Flow Control
Enable/Disable hardware flow control.
- Recipients
The recipients phone number. Multiple recipients can be set here by separating them with comma(,).
- Content Header
Prepends message before the SMS body.
- Content Footer
Appends message after the SMS body.