Alarm is where engineer could configure a list of alarms or events required by a project. Alarm can be treated as Event if needed, engineer only need to group them with another different name.
- Name
Name of the alarm, which can be associated to scripting control.
- Description
Additional description of the alarm.
- Message
Message string to be display or log into database.
- Tag Name
Set which tag trigger the alarm.
- Triggered by
Show how the alarm is trigger. There are three triggering type:
Compare Tag
Compare Value
On Change
- Condition
Set comparison condition that trigger the alarm. Comparison conditions:
== equal
<> not equal
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal
>= greater than or equal
- Limit 1
Compare tag value with this item.
- Limit 2
Compare tag value with this item if comparison condition involves two tags.
- Deadband Type
Treat deadband parameter as actual, percentage, tag or time delay in second.
- Deadband
Set value of deadband.
If there are several tags that needs to be combined into one tag, a sample script like below can be of use:
var S1 = getTag ( 'SIM1_Lek'); var S2 = getTag ( 'SIM1_Breuk'); var S3 = getTag ( 'SIM1_Service'); var S4 = getTag ( 'SIM1_Loopim'); //turning on anyone of the tag will trigger the event. setTag( 'SIM1_Alarm', S1 | S2 | S3 | S4);
And this script can be further simplified into one line in a virtual tag's Tag Expression.
$SIM1_Lek | $SIM1_Breuk | $SIM1_Service | SIM1_Loopim