Basic number formating is supported in both SVG and HTML files. Standard numbering symbol like hash (#), zero (0), comma (,) and period (.) can be used in formatting a number. Moreover, IntegraXor number formatting is very flexible, any non-digit symbol or even space can be used as decimal or separator to support localized number formating. And the group separation can be a standard 3 digits thousand separator, or 2 digits, or 4 digits or any biggger numbers separator. Below are some examples of formating and its outcome.
Number |
Format |
Result |
1234567.123456 |
#.## |
1234567.12 |
1234567.123456 |
#,###.#### |
1,234,567.1235 |
0.12345 |
#.## |
.12 |
0.1 |
0.### |
0.1 |
1234567.890 |
# ###,## |
1 234 567,89 |
1234567.890 |
#.###,## |
1.234.567,89 |
1234567.890 |
#,####.## |
123,4567.89 |
1234567.890 |
#,## |
1234567,89 |
1234567.890 |
#'###.## |
1'234'567.89 |
Entering only one symbol will always be treated as Decimal, simply add a trailing space at the end to force it become Separator. For instance, inputting 1234567.890 into "#,### " will generate 1,234,568.