The SNMP Agent similar to the other IO servers can be used to map out the tags from IntegraXor and allow SNMP Managers to retrieve the values from the tags. The types of request supported by the agent are "Get" and "Set" requests. On top of the usual IO Server feature, the SNMP Agent can also send out traps to a manager to notify on a certain condition in the system. This works similarly to alarms but using SNMP to communicate.
Currently there is only support for SNMP V1 and V2c type agents.
These versions of SNMP use community strings which limits the access to tags. Only SNMP Managers with the exact community string will be able to Read(Get) or Write(Set) tags.
These two version of SNMP are practically similar with the exception that V2c adds support for 64 bit counters.
The SNMP Agent should be listed in the IO Server list. This is where most of the general set-up is done. Start of by enabling the snmp agent. Selecting the SNMP Agent in the list (by clicking on any column of its row) should display a list of settings on the right panel.
- Object ID
Also known as OID which is a string of numbers separated by dots to represent the address of an object. This cannot be set and is only shown as reference.
- Description
The description of the agent entity. Extra information displayed within the MIB file.
- Name
The Specific name of the agent node. Should not contain spaces or symbols.
- Contact
Contact details for the owner of the agent. Displayed in MIB file.
- Location
Physical location of the agent node. Displayed in MIB file.
- MIB Sub-identifier
A number to identify this agent in the address string (OID). The range of this value should be an integer which is more than 0. Default value is 1.
- Port
The port number of the agent. Default is 161.
- SNMP Version
The version of SNMP the agent will use. Choose between V1 and V2c. Default is V2c.
Noteversion setting will be carried over to all other parts of the agent. Tag mapping and Traps will be based on this version.
- Community Name
The name of the community within the agent. The string is used to gain different access to the agent. The name would need to be defined here.
NoteSNMP Manger would need to match the string to gain access to the agent. Currently there are 6 slots for community names. If not filled, the community name "public" will be automatically set as a default community.
- Community Rights
The access rights the community has in the agent. Choose between "Read Only" and "Read Write".
NoteIf a manager only knows the "Read Only" community string, it will only be allowed to use the Get function but not the Set function. The default value is "Read Only".
- Host IP Address
The IP address from which SNMP messages are accepted. The agent will not respond to requests from a non-cofigured IP. Should be comma separated if more than one IP. The default value is '*' which will allow all host IPs.
Export MIB
The MIB file is needed by the SNMP Manager to make sense of all the OIDs sent from the Agent. The manager will convert the OIDs by refering to the MIB file which stores all the object information.
The MIB file should only be exported when all tags and traps have been set up and finalized. If there are changes, a new MIB file would be needed, or else the manager would not have information on the tag and only display the value and the OID it came from.
To export the MIB file, press the "Export MIB" button on the toolbar either at the top of the "Tag Mapping" table or the "Traps" table. There will be a prompt on where the MIB file should be exported to. The MIB file is a full MIB file which contains all the information needed by the Manager from all groups set in the Agent.