14.3.3. SNMP Agent Traps

Clicking on "Traps" under the group node, displays a table to create traps. The creation of a trap is quite similar to an Alarm in IntegraXor. Traps are sent to an IP address when a certain condition is met.

[Tip] Tip

The tags set within the traps does not need to be mapped in the tag mapping section but by doing so, the current values of the tag could also be read if needed.

SNMP Agent trap configuration.


The name of the trap. Set in the MIB for the SNMP Manager. Should not contain spaces or symbols.


An optional field to describe the trap in more detail.

Specific Trap Type

This is the ID for the trap. This must be an integer value more than 0 and should be unique.

Tag Name

The name of the tag that will be checked to trigger this trap. Select from the list of possible tags or start typing the name of the tag to filter the list.

Triggered By

What to compare the tag to that will trigger the trap. The tag can be compared to another tag, a set value or if there is any change to the tag value.


The condition on how to compare the tag value. L1 represents the limit which can be set in the next column. This is not needed if set to trigger "On Change".


The tag or value to compare the tag to. This is not needed if set to trigger "On Change".

Deadband Type

The type of deadband used. Choose between Actual, Percentage or Not Used.


The value of the deadband. Not needed when deadband type is set to Not Used.