Stored SQL Statements does not check whether an SQL statement is correct. It is the user's responsibility to check the correctness of an SQL statement.
SQL statements can be written with or without parameter, much like stored procedure in database server.
The parameters in the SQL statement will be replaced by their exact values from the front end script.
Each parameter name must be begin with '@' (without the quotes).
The rest of the name must consist of only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9), underscores ( _ ) or dashes (-).
If the parameter to be replaced represents an SQL string, the user must explicitly enclose the parameter name in single quotes (' ') or double quotes(" ").
The parameter list below the text input area shows all the parameters that are present.
The parameters are listed according to sequence and are separated by commas.
If there is invalid SQL parameters, the parameters in the statement will not match those in the parameter list. By comparing the parameters in the SQL statement with those in the parameter list, users can check whether the parameters are valid.
In the example below, the SQL statement contains invalid SQL parameters.