In version 5.0 and above, the front end user interface uses new responsive theme.

User interface with responsive theme in version 5
- This theme provides a number of advantages :
Responsive Design (fit nicely to any screen , even in smartphone)
Theme Colour (choose color from template)
Side Menu (thinner, shrinkable, support icons)

User interface fit perfectly into smartphone screen

Changing theme colour in new user interface
- alarm
- configuration, Alarm
- deadband, Additional Information for Deadband
- group, Alarm Group
- outputfmt, Alarm Output Format, Alarm Output Format - Text Output, Alarm Output Format - Tabular Output
- privilege, Alarm Acknowledgement Privilege
- script, Alarm Scripting
- animation
- bar, Bar Animation
- Clone, Clone Animation
- color, Color Animation
- get, Get Animation
- opacity (transparency), Opacity Animation
- open window page, Open Animation
- pop up, Pop up Animation
- rotate, Rotate Animation
- script, Script Animation
- set, Set Animation
- slider position, Slider Animation
- Text, Text Animation
- tooltips, Tooltip Animation
- zoom, Zoom Animation
- Animation
- script keydown, Keydown Script
- text alignment, Inkscape Text Alignment
- architecture, System Architecture
- communication
- port, Port
- troubleshoot, Setting Communication Port
- configuration
- sequence, Project Configuration
- database
- configuration, Database
- create table, Working with Database
- stored sql, Index
- Development
- concurrent, Group development
- device
- configuration, Device
- driver, Device Driver
- driver
- EtherNet/IP, EtherNet Industrial Protocol
- IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-101
- IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 60870-5-104
- IP Scanner, IP Scanner
- modbus, Modbus
- Profinet, Profinet
- SQL, SQL driver for database integration
- front-end
- alarm viewer, Alarm Viewer
- expression, Logical Expression
- function, Exposed Functions
- html tabulate data, Tabulate Data
- introduction, Front End Configuration
- language, Multilingual support
- number formating, Number Formating
- option, General Options
- print, Printing
- qr-code, QR Code
- side-panel, Side Panel Menu
- sql, Stored SQL Statement
- trend, Trending
- general
- configuration, Index
- inkscape
- gradient, Gradient Effect
- graphic editing, Working with Inkscape
- introduction, Inkscape SAGE
- layer, Multiple Layer
- path, Complicated Shape
- SAGE, Inkscape SAGE
- sizing & background, Resize and Background
- installer
- installation, Installation, Incomplete Download Error
- internet
- gateway, Publishing SCADA to the Internet
- kioskit
- auto startup, Auto Startup
- disable ease of access shortcut keys, Disabling Ease of Access Shortcut Keys
- exit, Exiting Kioskit
- manual start, Manual Start
- Modbus
- error message, Interpreting Communication Message
- protocol, Modbus Troubleshooting for SCADA
- Network Redundancy
- Configuration, Network Redundancy Configuration
- Introduction, Multiple Network Redundancy
- port
- configuration, Port
- project
- backup, Backing up project
- migration, Migrating/upgrading project
- project editor
- getting started, Project Editor
- tag auto complete, Auto-Complete for Tag Entry
- Redundancy
- Introduction, Multiple Redundancy
- Report
- Introduction, Report
- requirements, System Requirements
- script
- accessing tag, Scripting and Tag Access
- ActiveX scripting, ActiveX Scripting
- additional functions, Additional Functions
- advanced scripting, Advanced Scripting
- configuration, Script
- database functions, Debugging Functions
- debugging functions, Debugging Functions
- JSON, JSON Syntax
- security
- active directory (ad) / ldap, Active Directory (AD) / LDAP
- additional, Additional Security Configuration
- file policy, File Security
- https, HTTPS
- introduction, Security
- protection, Protection
- user configuration, User Configuration
- server
- user interface, Server User Interface
- Server Redundancy
- Configuration, System Redundancy Configuration
- Introduction, Multiple System Redundancy
- service
- setting, Run Project as Service
- svg
- minified, Minify SVG
- tag
- configuration, Application Tag, Action Tag, Tag, I/O Server, Modbus Server, OPC Server, SNMP Agent
- scaling/expression, Tag Expression
- template
- getting started, Project Template
- project folder, Project Management
- update, Updating Template
- theme
- user interface, Index
- timer
- configuration, Timer
- tools
- utilities, Suggested Supporting Tools
- Tools
- Visual HTML Editor, Working with Kompozer
- traffic
- analysis, Port Monitor
- tutorial
- getting started, Getting Started /Tutorial
- address, Web Access Information
- user security login
- configuration, User