5.5.1. Web Access Information

To login, web client should issue a login URL in the following format:

http://ip_address:7131/PROJECT_ID/login?, where PROJECT_ID shall be changed according to the project name given.

S.I. engineer needs to check the returned HTTP header for IgUser tag for login status. If IgUser exist, login was successful. The IgUser format is as follow:

IgUser: {name:'xxxx', level:xxx}

S.I. engineer can then use JavaScript eval() function to convert the string to a valid JavaScript object to access the current login username.

Once a login is granted, browser will maintain the security credential and will use the same login info to contact IntegraXor server for all subsequent request without user explicit request. Browser will only drop this behaviour when user close the browser window.

In order to logout explicitly, web client should issue a logout URL in the following format:

http://ip_address:7131/PROJECT_ID/logout?, where PROJECT_ID shall be changed according to the project name given.

This shall instruct server to untie this IP from any username. But in HTTP header traffic, browser still keeps sending the previous credential to IntegraXor server, however, server will ignore the credential since it is not registered in server security login list anymore.