The QR code is use to display the IntegraXor URL so that the end user can easily access it through their mobile device, provided their mobile device is connected to the same network the server is in.
The QR code icon for the user to mouse over used to be a permanent addition to the front-end with no way to remove. This has been made optional. Please take a look at the index.html file.
If your index.html file contains the following snippet, then you're good to go.
<div class="yui-b silver"> <div id='sec-login' style="display: inline-block;"></div> <img id="qr-icon" src="system/images/qrcode-icon.png" alt="QR Icon" style="display: inline-block;" /> </div>
If on the other hand, your index.html only has the following snippet, then you will have to update it by replacing the code below with the code above in order to be able to use the QR code.
<div class="yui-b silver" id='sec-login'></div>
Now if you don't want to show the QR code, all you have to do is just remove the <img> element with the id of "qr-icon" from index.html. With the QR code being optional now, you can also change the appearance of the QR code icon by using a different image for the icon. You can also alter the position of the QR code icon with CSS and generally put it wherever you want as long as the <img> element holding the QR icon has the id "qr-icon" .