Open animations allow user to open a new web page by clicking on an object in the SVG graphic. User is allowed to link a web page with an object here.
Source: This is the source directory of the web page to be linked. This column must be a valid URL address / file directory to a web site, or IntegraXor's tag which value is a valid URL address / file directory of a web site.
Source Type: This column determine whether the Source column is an URL (directory to web site), or it is a IntegraXor's tag. When URL is selected, Source column will be treated as a URL, and user will be redirect to the URL once the object is clicked. When TAG is selected, Source column will be treated as IntegraXor tag, and the system will expect a valid URL in the tag value. User will be redirect to the URL inside the tag value. Therefore, user can change the destination with other factors by changing the tag value by scripts.
Dest. Type: This column determine how the new page shall be opened. User is allowed to open the new page in any frame of his/her web SCADA, or open a new window. Select New Window will allow user to pop up a new window, while Current Window will open a page in the particular frame.
X-position, Y-position, width, height: These are the properties of the window if it is defined to be open in new window. X and Y position define the position of window, while width and height define the size of the window.