5.6.1. Email

Email output redirects an output to an email based on the configuration listed here.

SMTP Server

The address of the email server.

Port Number

Sets the port number for the email server.


Indicates whether the email server requires SSL.

Login Name

Sets the login name used to login to the email server.

Display Name

Sets the email display name.


Sets the password to login to the email server.


Send email to address(es) in this field. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma(,).


Sets email subject. For alarm output, if it is left blank, the first alarm message will be used as email subject.

Character Set

Sets the character set for the email. us-ascii converts all non ASCII characters to question mark (?). utf-8 supports email in multiple language.

Content Header

Indicates the header for the email.

Content Footer

Indicates the footer of the email.


Sets the email format. The supported formats are text/html, text/plain and application/pdf.

Page Size

Sets the page size of the output file. The supported page sizes are A3, A4, A5, B5, B6, Letter, Legal, Ledger and Tabloid.


Sets the orientation of the output file. The orientation is either Portrait or Landscape.