Category: System Integrator

  • How do I find any gap in SCADA/HMI I/O address for padding and speed up communication?

    How do I find I/O addresses gap using spreadsheet? In Modbus communication, it’s important to ensure addresses are arranged continuously in one chunk without any skipped of addresses, because any gap in the address listing will force the communication transaction to be split into another transaction instead of polling the data at one go. And […]

  • How do I sort spreadsheet data on multiple columns

    How do I sort spreadsheet data on multiple columns It’s very common requirement to manipulate data by importing/exporting CSV content from within external application. And many times the raw data arrangement may not be readily useable or friendly for viewing or analyzing. As such sorting data according to column in spreadsheet is a pretty essential […]

  • Configure PostgreSQL database on Solaris 10

    Configure PostgreSQL database on Solaris 10 Occassionally you may need to setup database remotely on non-Windows O.S., then the following steps could be of great reference for your SCADA application. Open a terminal (right click on desktop, select Hosts and click Terminal Console) Create postgres user in /export/home/postgres # groupadd postgres # useradd -c ‘PostgreSQL […]

  • IntegraXor HMI/SCADA Bug Bounty Program

    IntegraXor HMI/SCADA Bug Bounty Program This Non-Monetary Bug Bounty Program is part of our effort to make IntegraXor SCADA more secure, safe & stable. Below are the rules for joining. Terms & conditions apply. Considerations We only concern on the issue that will impact our customers’ installation of IGX SCADA system. You must download & […]

  • Bug report that “doesn’t work”

    Report a bug is easy, report a bug that can be easily understood by the programmers to solve your problem quickly is not so easy. Because if we knew it, we wouldn’t let it happen. This short article teaches you how to report a bug that will be quickly acknowledged by programmer so that your […]

  • What is Tag or Point in SCADA/HMI/DCS?

    What is Tag or Point in SCADA/HMI/DCS? As the friendliness of IntegraXor attracts many SCADA beginners. We often receive basic questions like “What is Tag”, so this is an article dedicated to our beloved newbies. Because of your support, we strive to make SCADA as easy as possible without compromising its rich functionalities. A specific […]

  • Setup PostgresQL Database for SCADA

    Installing PostgresQL Database for SCADA can be easily done using default configuration with the following steps. Download & install PostgresQL core database for Windows. The only thing you need to think ahead is the superuser password. Download & install PostgresQL ODBC driver. And then just click through the installation wizard. Paste the whole string directly […]

  • Using PageSpeed/PngOut to Compress JPG/PNG with mouse clicks

    Nobody cares to compress raster image like jpg before sending over the email, as it’s widely known that those raster images are well compressed and can’t be compressed any further by any file compress utility even using the powerful 7zip. It’s true that file compress utilities can’t do any good to raster images but simply […]

  • How to Get Faster Response from Technical Support

    When you encounter any problem during development, there are few things that you could do to elaborate your problem before contacting technical support. One is producing screenshots, second is to reproduce the problem in a new project and send the test case over. There are advantages by attempting to reproduce the problem in a new […]

  • Optimize Inkscape SVG files

    SVG graphic files that produced by Inkscape can be further optimized by removing some editing data and spaces which will be ignored by or have less impact to the targeted medium, most of the time, browsers. Now you may do that easily by choosing “Optimized SVG” file type upon “Save As” (Ctrl+Shift+S). Another pop up […]

  • Engineering Unit or Symbol for HTML based SCADA Report

    User often need to add engineering unit into report. Most user tends to use old day’s method to write unit when working environment is constrained to traditional SCADA. For instance degree Celsius is being written as “degC”, meter cube being written as “m3”. This is no longer needed for modern reporting system. Putting proper unit […]

  • Top 10 Portable Apps for SCADA System Integrator

    For the generations who have been through the DOS and Windows 3.11 era, they must not have forgotten the good old days that they could easily copy a program around without caring about the installation file, but they were struggling on squeezing files into the fragile floppy disks instead. Now that we have a memory […]

  • Top 10 Practices for System Integrators

    S.I. engineers need to be conservative, below are some best practices. Backup and Write Changelog Needless to say, creating backup is a very basic surviving skill in project life. Not only you should create a backup before leaving site. You should also create a backup upon arrival, before making any changes, while the work reaching […]