Setting Up a Cluster Network
IGX Cluster Network module is designed for scaling and distributed configuration. The cluster module is divided into two parts; Cluster Master and Cluster Node. It is suitable for large scale projects with huge amount of IO tags by breaking down the tasks and distributing them across multiple nodes. 

Example of a cluster network.

Part 1: Configuring the Cluster Master

  • Firstly, create a new project with a suitable name.
  • On the Task pane, select Cluster Network. Cluster Network is set to False by default. Change it to True to enable it.
  • Next, provide a Username and Password. Save. The nodes will connect to the master using this username and password.

Cluster Master setting

  • Go to Virtual Tag and create a tag.

Note: All master and nodes needs to have identical virtual tag  to transfer data between them.


Part 2: Configuring the Cluster Node

  • Similarly, create a new project with a suitable name.
  • Select Cluster Network, by default, it is set to False. Change it to True to enable it.
  • Insert the same username and password.
  • Next, expand Cluster Network on the Task pane and select Remote Master.

  • Next, create a new node entry. Insert the IP address of the Master under Host. Insert the username and password of the cluster master under Username and Password.

  • Finally, create a virtual tag. Make sure that it is identical to the Master’s tag. Save and run both projects.

Reminder: Data cannot be transferred between Master and Node if the tag is not identical Therefore, please ensure that the tags are identical.