IntegraXor 3.60.4090 dated 30 May 2011 Change Log

User Security is now comes with Sectioned Security Control, the best thing is it works in conjunction with existing Leveled Security Control. They can work separately or both combined. Leveled Security Control is a plant wide implementation, Sectioned Security Control is being added on top so that one big plant can be splitted into several sections of security access. In another word, every area could have its own level of security access control.


As an example, Supervisor at higher level is assigned to Area 1 and Area 2, and then Technician is assigned to Area 1 and Area 3. The achieved control condition is such that both of them can perform certain tasks at Area 1 with different level, but Supervisor could not access Area 3 which can be accessed by Technician, So highest level doesn’t necessary means can access all area.


Below is the list of improvements for new release.

  1. + Added Sectioned Security Control by having additional Label column.
  2. + Added Tag-to-Tag comparison for color animation in SAGE.
  3. + Added web user activity logging.
  4. + Added Alarm Filter.
  5. ^ Slider now supports minimum value being more than 0.
  6. * Fixed PE bug that unable to save when property being changed for new entry.
  7. * Fixed minor bugs and security issues.