IntegraXor 3.60.4040 dated 09 Mar 11 Change Log
We have been holding too long on this latest official release, as we were working hard on some stability and security issues. So this release has got no surprises on new features but purely on security and stability improvement.
However, if you are looking for new features, check out the beta release which has more bug fixes and added features despite has not gone through the regression test, so it must not be used for production. Below is the change log for this beta:
- + Web server added with client login/logout history.
- + Added visual editing tool for HTML file.
- + For easier reference, server task log can now be selected and copied into clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C.
- * Server task log shows some of the activity log in debug mode only.
- * Fixed case sensitive search.
- * Various minor bug fixes for P.E. data entry.
- * Improved Report Server stability.
- ^ Server stability improvement.
Web login history only available in beta release for now.
Note: The common download links for Official Release and Beta Release are always pointing to the latest version. So you may get the current mentioned version or newer version if you download it later.