How to open Microsoft Access database (.mdb) with Open Office Base

Below is a step by step instruction on opening up Microsoft Access *.mdb file by using free Open Office Base. It is screen shot basis and pretty much self-explained.

  1. First of all, launching Open Office Base shall prompt you with its wizard, choose ‘Connect to an existing database’, and scroll all the way up to choose ‘Microsoft Access’ in the drop down list.
    Select Database
  2. Clicking ‘Next’ shall lead user to create a connection. This is similar to creating Shortcut for Base to open the Access database. Click ‘Browse’ to select the existing Access database.Setup Connection
  3. Clicking ‘Next’ will lead user to the last step which shall normally will keep the default setting.
    Save and proceed
  4. Finally save the linkage or connection. Note that you will need to redo the above step if you relocate the *.mdb file.
    Save as
  5. Viewing database table and its tree.
    Viewing database table
  6. View database data by double-clicking on the tables.
    Viewing table data