DCOM Settings for SCADA OPC Driver

It can be tricky to setup OPC configuration, so our system engineer B.G. is sharing out his personal written short instructions with you. Anyhow it’s pretty complete like a guideline though. You may call this a check list, nevertheless, the length of the post shows the complexity of DCOM setting for SCADA application.


  1. Open Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Component Services

  2. Component Services window will show up.

  3. Right click on the Component Services > Computers > My computer and select Properties.

  4. Go to COM Security and click on the Edit Limits button in the Access Permissions.

  5. Verify that the following users groups are present or otherwise add accordingly. You need to check the Remote and Local Access box for each user. Apply the settings for the following users groups and click OK

    • Everyone

    • SYSTEM




    • Performance Log Users (MY-PC\Performance Log Users)

    • Distributed COM Users (MY-PC\Distributed COM Users)


  6. In the Default Properties tab, ensure that following options are set and click OK

    • Default Authentication Level : Connect

    • Default Impersonation Level : Identify

  7. Close My Computer Properties

DCOM Settings for OPC Enum x64

  1. Without closing the Component Service,
    navigate to Component Services > Computers > My Computer >
    DCOM Config.

  2. Find the OPC Enum x64 CategoryManager to
    configure and right click on it. Select the Properties option.

  3. In the General tab, on the
    Authentication Level, select Connect from the drop down menu.

  4. In the security tab, set the permissions as follows:

    • Launch and Activation Permissons: Use

    • Access Permissions : Use Default

    • Configuration Permissions: Customize

  5. Press Edit button on the Configuration
    after selecting

  6. Ensure that Permissions for Everyone for
    Full Control and Read are checked for the following groups and click

    • Everyone


    • SYSTEM

    • PCUser (MY-PC\OPCUSER)

    • Administrators (MY-PC\Administrators)

    • Users (MY-PC\Users)

  7. In the Identify tab and select the radio
    button This User. Type the following information and click OK

    • User : MY-PC\OPCUSER

    • Password: 123456

Hope you will find this sharing useful, feel free to share your own valuable OPC experience with us too! Or otherwise, download and try it out with IGX SCADA.