5.3.3. Virtual Tag

IntegraXor offers an interactive user action such as acknowledging and disabling alarms. Action tag allows the administrator or system integrator to assign role-based permission to these actions to prevent unauthorized user from executing any of the listed actions.



Tag name of the tag. Naming restriction applied. Please refer to Name Restriction.


Additional description.


The type of data stored in this tag. IntegraXor supports the following data types:

  • boolean for data with 1 bit. The range of value is either 1 (ON, true) or 0 (OFF, false).

  • int8 for signed 8 bit (1 byte) integer. The range of value is from -128 to 127.

  • int16 for signed 16 bit (2 bytes) integer. The range of value is from -32,768 to 32,767.

  • int32 for signed 32 bit (4 bytes) integer. The range of value is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

  • int64 for signed 64 bit (8 bytes) integer. The range of value is from –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

  • uint8 for unsigned 8 bit (1 byte) integer. The range of value is from 0 to 255.

  • uint16 for unsigned 16 bit (2 bytes) integer. The range of value is from 0 to 65,535.

  • uint32 for unsigned 32 bit (4 bytes) integer. The range of value is from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

  • uint64 for unsigned 64 bit (8 bytes) integer. The range of value is from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.

  • real32 for 32 bit (4 bytes) floating point number. The range of value is 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits).

  • real64 for 64 bit (8 bytes) floating point number. The range of value is 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits).

  • string for character string value.

[Note] Note

Some devices only support a subset of the data type listed. Please check and ensure the data type selected matches the data type of the tag you intended to link to on the device.


The default initial value. The tag will be initialized with this value when the project starts.


Enter expression to perform data scaling, value conversion, and any engineering unit conversion.

Read Level

This column determines the tag's security level for reading. If the user login with user level lower than the value here, server will ignore the user's request to return the data. The highest security level is 1000 and it is set to 0 by default. It must not left blank.

Write Level

This column determines the tag's security level for writing. If the user login with user level lower than the value here, server will ignore the user's request to set the data. The highest security level is 1000, it is set to 0 by default. It must not left blank.


Database name defined in Database Task. Server will log the tag value to this database based on log frequency or mechamism specified. This is the only thing need to do at back-end configuration if trending for a tag is required.

Log value

An additional attribute that defines the log frequency or mechanism for the tag.

  • On Change - log the tag when its value changes.

  • On Timer - log the tag when the timer specified triggers.

  • On Change + On Timer - log the tag when either its value changes or when the timer specified triggers.


Database name defined in Database Task. Server will save the tag value to this database upon changes. This retentive feature comes handy when a tag needs to start up with previously set, used or received data. System will store the last good value so that this last good value will be used upon next system start up, or upon communication error. Retentive value will always overwrite Default value when presents.

Read Role

Displays a list of role defined for selection. Check or tick the roles to grant read access to users with the role selected. If no role is selected, all users are allowed to read this tag.

Write only tag

An additional attribute that defines whether the tag is write only tag. Set to true to mark this tag as write only. No user is allowed to read this tag even though he is given read Role.

Write Role

Displays a list of role defined for selection. Check or tick the roles to grant write access to users with the role selected. If no role is selected, all users are allowed to write to this tag.

[Tip] Tip

Use copy and paste method for the tag name to avoid mistakes (capitalization, dot location) in typing the longer tag names.