SCADA Mimic Client

IGX Web SCADA offers fast & simple development as fully functional solution with high performance native drivers, without needing you to know HTML5 & CSS3. It is completely developed based on standard web technologies with Browser Server Thin Client Architecture that comprises of HTML5, CSS3. This mean you can view the mimic in all modern browsers across any device and platform without needing you to install anything at all. This is unlike many vendors claimed to have web SCADA but the prerequisite is to ask you to install all sort of cumbersome plugin, ActiveX, Silverlight and many other proprietary client.Seeing is believing, check out the online demo to see IGX in action now!

As compare to traditional SCADA that uses raster image that could be pixelated when enlarged, IGX adopted open Scaleable Vector Graphic (SVG) developed by W3C, the standard organization for web content. This mean you have the freedom use any other development tool and port the mimic content to anywhere you like! As the matter of fact, we have developed the SAGE for open source project Inkscape, a graphic designer class graphic editor. This mean you can show to your user that you can create the most impressive surreal graphic that supports retina screen! It’s the most powerful SCADA animation graphic editor. And the best thing is it’s very user friendly so beginner only need to use the obvious and basic function, and advanced user can delve in further to achieve more fascinating effect.

SVG file format is not only looks crisp clear and real sharp, the biggest benefit is stated in its name that it’s being scaleable, this mean a lot to system integrator that need to deal with various size of screen and resolution. Because you no longer need to worry around the mimic get tilted or out of shape so the look no longer in proportion to the original look. The SVG mimic is scaleable and will automatically fit into the device screen.

In any case that you need to have one or two workstation being locked to do nothing else but showing the SCADA mimic at all time, you can still opt to protect the system using Kioskit Browser that developed based on Chromium, that’s exactly the same code base for Google Chrome. Kioskit is much more than browser in kiosk mode that fully occupied the screen but could not prevent user from exiting using Operating System function keys. This mean user can’t close Kioskit browser using Alt+F4, Ctrl+W and so on, and not even using Ctrl+Alt+Del, but only can exit with assigned security credential.