Craciun Fericit!

This year we’ve got special season’s greetings from Romania. Yes, Craciun Fericit! that’s how you say Merry Christmas in Romanian. We are very pleased to see many companies from more than 50 countries become very successful after using Ecava IGX.

We have been working hard, we even had our beta release during Christmas Eve. We have just added the nice module called Datamap. Datamap is a small and easy module that can be used for any data viewing or recording purpose. It can be used for equipment/maintenance list, or simply as a data map to any database table for visual, record, reporting or any info management purpose. Sometimes you may just want to have a spreadsheet for operator to record down some notes for operation needs. Datamap can do just that! Check out this common beta link that we keep updating the installer. We can be sure you will get the Xmas Eve version so long you download before New Year eve.

We wish to thank everyone for your continuous support, and we will strive to develop and enhance IGX to another level, so you could win more businesses. Yes, wishing you happy holidays and a more prosperous Year 2018!